New Photon Comic Book: An Early Review
40 years later, who would have thought there would be NEW news to share about Photon?
Piko Interactive is a company to keep on your radar, particularly if you are a fan of all things retro getting a resurgence. I appreciate being offered an advance peek at something that will be coming down the pike (no firm word on the details yet). As Piko Interactive has acquired the Photon branding they are in a unique position to bring new things to the market, inspired by all that we loved back in the day. One of their upcoming projects is a Photon comic book and after having read an advanced text of the book I am impressed and ready for more! Here is my early review of the upcoming comic, Photon Re-Energized, written by Steven A. Roman.

The new Photon Re-Energized comic book is not a remake of the original Photon story line, but rather a reboot that incorporates plenty of nostalgia into a modern day scenario. There is a relatable premise that will hit home with anyone who has ever wondered “what happened to the place where I spent all those hours playing the game?” Once that idea is established, one discovery leads to another in a story that starts out with a loose parallel to the “Bhodi Li becomes a Photon Warrior” introduction to the 1986 television series, but then reveals a whole new adventure featuring completely new characters with just enough details for the reader to know there is much more to learn about our new hero’s journey. The Photon references are liberally interjected throughout the book and if you are someone hoping to see more parallels to the original they are definitely in there, but this book is not replicating the Photon of the past. Instead it plays with the idea of different dimensions and hints at something more, which I hope leaves open some possibilities for bridging not only dimensions for the characters, but also for the reader. If you were a fan of Photon in the 80s this book has plenty of references you will recognize, but with a fresh take on the intergalactic premise of the past it will also be a gateway to showing a new generation that the light still shines.
My thanks to Piko Interactive for the advance look at this upcoming comic book. When details are available about how, when and where you can find it I will be sure to post the info here. You can also sign up for updates at
To see the recap of all the Photon Month posts, check out the consolidated post page here:
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