Two Minutes at TILT
I decided to find a rest point midway between Myrtle Beach and my final destinations, so I located a hotel in Florence, SC and stayed there for the night. When I woke up the next morning, I started putting together a plan for the day and ran a search for laser tag in the area. To my delight and amazement, the nearest laser tag was located at the mall LITERALLY right across the street! Seriously, this arena was two minutes away. So, I paid an unexpected visit to TILT Studio Magnolia first thing in the morning and played a VERY quick game of Laser Blast during a quiet moment when they could spare a staff member before the day got underway.

My thanks to the manager who allowed staff member, Tyre, to get in a game and let me experience this arena that featured some very cool accents. I really LOVE the man-eating plant prop!

This was a nice, single level arena with a vividly painted CW maze.

Because I knew they had limited staff at that hour I told Tyre we would play just long enough to trade a few shots and for me to tag the base.

So, in reality we probably played the quickest game possible (by my choice) and I considered this simply a great warm-up for the day and a nice chance to visit one more arena on my journey. My thanks to TILT Studio Magnolia for making it happen…and for being so conveniently located!

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