My 75th Laser Tag Arena
I ended my day trip with a visit to what would become my 75th laser tag arena, Roseland Bowl in Canandaigua. Even though I am still a Finger Lakes chick at heart and this is relatively close by (only about two hours from home) I had not had an occasion to get out to this arena before now. So after playing a few rounds in Rochester I detoured this way to see what this arena had to offer.

I had caught them on a quiet Saturday and nobody was signed up to play when I arrived, so I asked if there was an employee available for a one on one. The manager sent in Max, who gave me a good game. I think I took him by surprise. He asked if I had been briefed...I told him I know how to play (it was Helios) so we entered the arena and he took off. That was a good sign that he was going to play seriously.

It was a smaller arena, but a good use of space and maze with walls that I thought were really cool. The walls almost reminded me of a stereo design and I was told they were hand painted. I think that makes a huge difference to developing a unique atmosphere that doesn't just look the same as every other laser tag arena.

We played a very solid one on one round and the manager wondered who got the high score. Max told her it was me and complemented my playing by saying "she is like (insert top player's name) times three!" The manager jabbed at him about his score against me saying "and you want to be on my Zombie team?" to which Max said "She should be one of our Zombies". Apparently they select top player employees to give the public a challenge as "zombies" around Halloween. I'll have to keep that in mind next year. ;) By this point a group had shown up so there was a reasonable number of people to play a more typical round. I had a good time playing with them and it was an enjoyable way to round out this Saturday night. I'd certainly return to this arena another time and I think this was a good choice to play for number 75!
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