Speaking of Tournaments...
On the heels of having ANOTHER tournament canceled (yes, I'm rolling my eyes at you Syracuse) I made a resolution to find more...

Timing Is Everything
I can't believe it has been over a month since my last visit to play tag in Albany. After they got the Helios Pro system installed I...

My 75th Laser Tag Arena
I ended my day trip with a visit to what would become my 75th laser tag arena, Roseland Bowl in Canandaigua. Even though I am still a...

The End of an Era...Farewell Laser Quest Rochester
I realize that if you look back on this blog you will find a post titled "Why I'm Just Not Wild About Quest", but I must say over time my...

Really Not Worth The Time Out of My Day
After deciding to drive to Rochester to play one last time at the Laser Quest that is closing it's doors in two weeks I figured I'd make...

I'm Not Here For Pizza
It had been awhile since I'd played tag at the small center in Oneonta that runs Lasertron basically as a side activity along with their...

Happy Halloween...(aka Supergirl Shoots at Harley Quinn)
I went out for some laser tag over the Halloween weekend and arrived dressed as I typically am when I play tag...t-shirt, jeans, sneakers...

Testing a New Way to Play Laser Tag
When George Carter III, the inventor of the original laser tag (Photon) ended his interview with me in July 2015 by saying "Stay tuned,...

Photon Authority? I'll Take It. :)
While visiting the Laser Tag Museum's website (www.lasertagmuseum.com) I recently found something rather flattering. It was a reference...

Partners Tournament
Last night was the Partners Tournament in Syracuse and it made for a really good night of tag. I think competition can be a really...