Tagging Into The New Year with Reflections From 2021
For me New Year’s Eve is both a time to plan ahead and reflect on the past year. As I’m looking towards what is to come in 2022 I am...

The Marathon Ends in the Laser Tag Arena
When I say a marathon ended in the laser tag arena I am not exaggerating. I mean I completed a literal 26.2 mile marathon while at my...

Giving Laser Tag For Christmas
One of the things I am always heartened by during the holidays is the generosity of my local community, which is particularly evident...

Tag 4 A Cause Goes International
I launched my first Tag 4 A Cause Laser Tag 5K Challenge just over a year ago and it started out small with an event in Albany, NY. This...

New Laserforce Avatar = A VERY Happy Tivia!
IAAPA recently took place in Orlando and provided an opportunity for laser tag manufacturers to showcase their newest gear, updates and...

Tag 4 A Cause at My First Laser Storm Tournament
A regional Laser Storm tournament taking place at Skyway Laser Storm in Warren, OH seemed like a perfect opportunity for a Tag 4 A Cause...

A Tag 4 A Cause Pop-Up at Laser Zone Canton
Even though Tag 4 A Cause began as an online virtual challenge, one of my goals is to take it to laser tag arenas throughout the country...

Yes, LaserTrek
I recently had the chance to play LaserTrek at what I believe may be the last arena in America still operating with this particular...

The NextReality of Virtual Laser Tag
This may not be a traditional laser tag experience, but it is an incredible VR simulation! Circling back to my trip to Indiana, I had a...

Rolling Through the RollHouse
My final stop on the way home from this trip was to RollHouse Entertainment in Solon, OH. Truth be told, I was hungry and really wanted...