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I'm Not Here For Pizza

It had been awhile since I'd played tag at the small center in Oneonta that runs Lasertron basically as a side activity along with their all you can skate night. When I bought my wristband for the night they tried to hype it up by letting me know it would also get me unlimited pizza and soda. And while it's a good value for the dollar, I'm really not interested in skating or pizza.

I was there ready to tag at the start of the night, but once again tag didn't get underway for about half an hour and once it did the first game out was rather light. There were enough young adults there that could have made for some good competition, but most were preoccupied with skating (or maybe the pizza was a bigger draw than I thought). By the third game of the night a larger and more appropriate group of players went in so I joined them. Now this was a more worthwhile endeavor. I played eight consecutive games of Tron without a break and actually enjoyed it, although public games like this are a completely different animal from the Tron I still dislike in tournament play. Here I was dominating the game instead (I played as JeanGrey).

For the record, this game was played solely for tags with no active bases. So some casual Friday night Tron can be a good time every now and then and a good kickoff for what I have decided will be a full weekend of tag.

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