A Blockbuster Arena in Celebrity Style
After playing in close to 400 laser tag arenas I didn’t think anything could still blow my mind, but the three level arena at Celebrity Lanes in Centennial, CO certainly did!
This is the best executed theme I’ve seen in quite awhile and it works perfectly with the “celebrity” theming all throughout the facility.
Quiet on the set!

Before you enter the scene is already set with a story line explaining that “You have been cast in a starring role in the upcoming summer blockbuster THE ARACHNO-BOTS INVASION! Join the director on the set for your starting moment as you attempt to save the world from the spider droids that are raining from the sky and wreaking havoc on Beverly Hills!”

Before you get to the set you stop in the dressing room (vesting room) for “hair and make-up, with lit mirror stations all throughout positioned right above the vest racks.

Then from the stage door you are called to the set!

When I entered this arena my jaw dropped.

Laserforce GEN 8 gear and living arena elements are used in a very creative way with “spider babies” climbing a wall, strategically placed directly next to generator targets and “protected” by the giant mama spider on top of the roof. When you repeatedly tag the targets the “mama voice” warns you off from “hurting her babies”, but of course when you complete the sequence she unleashes her wrath and attacks back with tags of her own. While I’ve seen this feature used in various incarnations (such as a mama protecting snake eggs), this was by far my favorite concept for it that I have seen so far!

The spider theme is incorporated throughout the arena, but not in a scary way.

This site looks like a museum. Amazing! It is almost reminiscent of a site like Battle Blast, but with a very specific twist of its own.

The game is played in and out of “rooms” spread throughout the insides of the buildings across three levels. While playability is not the main focus (there are many easy sniper shots to be had from one side across to the other) that is really secondary to the overall experience of playing in this truly unique atmosphere.

If I had played this site prior to last year’s top 10 arena contest it would have been a no-brainer to make my Tiviachick’s Top Ten list.
And if a stunning arena isn’t enough to bring you to this family fun center than the other little “red carpet” touches throughout will have you feeling like a celebrity.

Celebrity Lanes is way more than simply a bowling alley as the name suggests. This is one of the most impressive arenas in the Denver area and if you are ever in the vicinity this is definitely one to check out!

Comments or Questions?
Contact: Tivia@tiviachickloveslasertag.com
Websites: www.tiviachickloveslasertag.com and www.photonforever.com