Spectacular Spokane Laser Quest
Wow! I FINALLY made it to the Laser Quest in Spokane (travel logistics to get there from NY made that more challenging than you might think) and it was well worth the trip. This has got to be one of the most impressive LQs I have ever seen. Built inside an old Washington State Armory, this location utilizes the unique space within this building to enhance a distinctive castle theme done better than I’ve ever seen the castle theme done before.

I had spoken with staff member Courtney earlier in the day and when I arrived Chase was the first to greet me and Courtney was kind enough to give me a tour of the facility. There are artistically decorated party rooms…

…and even a karaoke machine for special event nights.

But of course the main attraction is the arena and the game itself. To get to the arena you begin by taking that long staircase up to the second level to the briefing room. As near as I can remember I’ve only seen one other LQ with a staircase like this (that was in London, ON Canada…although Nashville did have a staircase leading from the street up to the center itself).

Inside the floor is vibrantly detailed with neon paint spatters which catch your eye...

...until you notice…

Og! Don’t they know that nobody puts baby in a corner, lol. This was a very cool room and when it was time to play the game Cleb gave the most enthusiastic and entertaining briefing ever. He infused his spiel with a little comedy and really interacted well with the group. I think this is worth noting because at a lot of other places the briefing is just something that gets rushed through, but Cleb really did an excellent job that had me laughing and having fun even before the game began.
After briefing we headed down another staircase…

And the vesting room was pretty impressive also. First of all, it was much brighter than most.

And there were more Og-like creatures painted all along the walls.

Then it was time to enter the arena and let me tell you, this one really took my breath away. It is huge and completely unlike any other LQ I can remember.

There are two towers that each go up three levels. The maze is intricate and elaborate, but one part really stood out. Earlier when Courtney was showing me around she pointed out a catwalk that runs all throughout the building.

This is what it looks like from the lobby, but this catwalk extends all the way through the upper level along the left side of the arena as well and that makes for a really unique corridor to play on that side.
The first game was played with a larger group, but as the night went on I stuck around to play a bit more with a family group that wanted to divide up into teams. We went into the next game with Mr. T and Be Wild playing as Team T.B. and Terminator and Skateday teaming up as Team Ambush, leaving me to defend the honor of Team Game of Groans.

We all had such a great time! For this game we had all been through briefing so we were allowed in through the downstairs entrance (which is good to know that do have accessible options for those who can’t climb stairs) so we went in again and had a fantastic time. Kudos to them all for a great game, especially to Mr. T who was lead his team and gave me a really close competition with our personal scores being within a super tight margin. Nicely done! And big thanks to the staff at LQ Spokane for a great experience. They sent me home with great memories…and of course the magnet!
I’m so glad that at last I can say “LQ Spokane…check!”

Comments or Questions?
Contact: Tivia@tiviachickloveslasertag.com
Websites: www.tiviachickloveslasertag.com and www.photonforever.com