Playing LaserTrek
No doubt one of the most interesting stops on my journey through Ohio was to Lazer Warz in Mansfield. I saw online that they still operated with LaserTrek equipment. The only time I've ever seen a pack was during my recent visit to the Laser Tag Museum. Could this possibly be right? I called to inquire and, sure enough, I was told that this was what they used for their system. Even though it was two hours out of my way I just had to check this out.

The owner, Mark, was kind enough to fill in some of the history of this system produced from 1994-2005 by Heads Up Technologies. The most remarkable thing is that this is one of the last two places in the world where it can be played! Essentially this has been a dead system for over a decade...which accounts for the pack being in the museum. So I loved examining the equipment up close before actually trying it out. It runs on DOS.

I also was really intrigued by the arena. It was fairly simple tag walls which were literally "tagged" with spray painted messages. However, what made it unique was that the 4000 square feet were spread across three rooms in a mall that had previously been a DEB clothing store. In fact, some of the DEB fixtures were even incorporated into the arena space and you could play in and out of what used to be the dressing rooms. I've never seen anything like this!

I had two opportunities to try it out. A group came in and I wanted to experience the system, but I did not want to play full out against the younger players, so I would take a few judicious shots and then I would disappear to the back to take selfies of myself actually in the middle of the game.

However, even playing it low key I ended up taking first...unintentionally.

I really enjoyed playing with the groups and having a unique experience.

I also liked checking out something else I have only recently become acquainted with. Mark showed me the Steradian laser tag adaptors he has on some Tippmann paintball markers for use with his portable laser tag set-up. This is only the second time I have encountered this (the first being the iCombat I played in Virginia).

And I even got a peek at a prototype that I cannot talk about, but was dumbfounded to have him show me. Wow...this was a fascinating stop. Thanks to Mark for taking some time to give me quite a cool education about a system I have never seen before and in all likelihood will never see again...LaserTrek.
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