In a Galaxy Fun Park Far, Far Away...
Galaxy Fun Park in Raleigh, NC was a great place to mix things up with a game of Laserforce using Gen 7 gear, which is always a great time.

There was a young girl who had been waiting for a while for another laser tag player to show up to play a game with her, so I of course was happy to oblige. After all, the best part of laser tag is the social element, whether you’re playing against another human or running into interesting characters in the arena!

One of my favorite things when I find myself in a game with a young player is getting to be a bit of a mentor and showing them how to play the game well. I showed her how to tag a base and she loved putting this new knowledge to use!

The aliens were found all throughout this two-level arena and the center structure was a bit unique as well.

I took home some tag swag from this stop before continuing on my journey, but it was a lot of fun to stop and play some tag in a Galaxy Fun Park far, far away…

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