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Connecticut: Playing at Planet Laser

The weekend began with an early start as we trekked about three and a half hours to our first stop, Planet Laser in Waterbury, CT.

I really love space themed arenas and from the decor of the lobby I had a feeling this one wouldn't disappoint.

It was early in the day so I expected we'd end up doing a one on one, but there was a group already inside so we had to wait about a half hour for our round so we killed some time and before we even got into the arena I (ironically) I had already won a game of...Photon!

Had to throw that in when I noticed the name on the side of the game. Seriously though, it was time to enter the arena and I randomly grabbed a blue Nexus pack...called Tron! Ah, the tag associations all over the place, gotta love it. :)

This arena was small, but very well designed with two levels and several access ramps. There were lots of wire mesh partitions. On one side there was an upper level cage like space with an excellent view from above. Some interspersed screens added to the arena also.

The beam on my pack was strong and obviously felt very comfortable and familiar to be playing using Zone equipment. It felt great to play here and I really enjoyed my experience. Plus I had a nice chat with the staff members about my tag experience and this weekend adventure. I wish there had been more time and I'd definitely love to return next time I'm in Connecticut.

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