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Jumping Jacks Staff Rocks!

Although this is predominantly a kids center, I had a great time tagging with the staff of Jumping Jacks in Savannah, GA. When I first walked in it was a little quiet, which ended up being ideal for me to get a better game with the staff.

Kendria took me back to the arena where Anton said he was training a new employee so the timing was perfect. I sat in the briefing room getting amped up by the familiar audio rack while waiting for a game with Anton and Konner, Annalynn and me with Deliah acting as gamemaster.

The arena was small, but appropriate to their typical clientele. It was well designed for its size.

Considering it was just the four of us it was a pretty good game! The guys fought hard on red. I was on blue playing as Olympia. I took top score, they took top team.

Konner made me feel like a rockstar saying "I want to have your life to travel and play laser tag." I really do love that I've gotten to take so many trips, play in tournaments and have lots of adventures along the you never know who you'll meet!

And that was the beginning of my trek through Georgia.

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