Paintball Palace
The timing of my travels into Oregon had me passing by the Paintball Palace in Eugene, OR a little earlier in the day. This place is predominantly an indoor paintball arena (as you could probably figure from their name), but they do offer Laser Runner in a small arena upstairs. I chatted with the owner, Kurt, who was kind enough to treat me to a game. He says that while paintball is their main business he put in the laser tag so that younger kids could come in to play also while their older siblings or parents might be enjoying the paintball. He wanted to make sure there was something for all asges so nobody would feel left out of a game. I think that is a really fantastic reason for adding laser tag. Kudos to you Kurt!

Because I was there so early I played a one on one against Michele, but to be frank this arena is suited to small games and this was actually very appropriate to the setting.

I imagine with the angles of some of the maze barriers that you don’t have to tell a kid not to run more than once as their shins will pay the price if they don’t listen.
For anyone looking for paintball gear they had a very well stocked store and a visible storefront.

Great idea keeping all ages in mind and adding a little something extra!
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