Amazing Arrival: Veqtor and Stunner Packs
I have been away for the better part of a week traveling to four more states on the other side of the country. Over the course of this trip I got to visit laser tag sites in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Oklahoma. I have so many stories and photos and memories and experiences that I want to share about this trip, but it is going to take me a few days to even begin to put that all together properly. So for now I will begin with telling you what happened at the end of my trip, when I returned home.

Last night I drove back from the airport and there was a box waiting for me. Inside the box was a VERY generous gift from an incredibly supportive site owner who I had met during of my previous laser tag travels. This box contained a Veqtor pack and a Stunner pack from two systems I have never had the opportunity to play. In fact I until now have an only seen the likes of these in the Laser Tag Museum. As a collector and enthusiast of all laser tag these are definitely the coolest "tag swag" items in my collection. I cannot thank this gentleman enough for offering me such special collectibles and wonderful mementos from the history of laser tag. These will be displayed in my studio alongside some of the other special souvenirs I have brought back from tag trips all over the country. I cannot wait to share the experiences of the past few days, but the way this trip ended with this amazing surprise waiting for me at the front door is just the cherry on top. I cannot extend enough heartfelt thanks and appreciation to this man for his generosity in sending me these laser tag packs. They are a treasure! Thank you!!!
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