Finding Atlantis at Lost Worlds
The arena at Lost Worlds Laser Tag in City of Industry, CA was one of the best I experienced on my trip. This is a Laserforce site and upon checking in I talked with the owner, “Big Boss” Brian, who assured me that I’d be able to sign in with my member card and gave me a tour of an impressive display of Atlantis themed art inside a quality two-level arena. This was a beautiful facility!

Before you enter the arena there is briefing and I must say that game master Tatyana did one of the best live briefings I have ever seen. Her briefing presentation was funny and engaging rather than the usual monotonous rundown of the rules. After sitting through as many bad briefing sessions as I have over the years this really stood out to me. Then we entered the vesting area with a submarine theme.

Although the base housings are Gen 6 the packs are Gen 7 and played very nicely!

The arena has two bases in opposite corners and a center diamond target in the area marked by a large glowing crystal beacon.

After knocking those out I proceeded to the upper level. During the first game I played against a few teenagers who I could tell were regulars and not expecting a level 6 to walk into their roost. But they gave me such a good game I decided to stick around and play some more. The next game I didn’t bother with the usual constraints and just went full out and had a great time playing the arena at full force. It was a satisfying game and at the end I was ready for a bite to eat, so I enjoyed some popcorn shrimp from the snack bar. I chatted a bit longer with Brian who is very knowledgeable about the industry and we discussed the potential future of VR integration into laser tag. That would be amazing to see happen. Meanwhile, I understand he’ll have some new things planned for the arena soon. This entire facility and experience was quite impressive and I would love to return to Lost Worlds again!

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