Christmas Came Early!
I have had two incredible tag trip weekends in a row...first to Pittsburgh and then to Massachusetts and New Hampshire. There are so many things I want to share, but I have not had enough time to properly organize photos and sit down to write about the trips, so please bear with me until I can get these latest adventures posted..but in the meantime, let me share something really cool.

Christmas came early for me today! I arrived home to find a box had been delivered with a very special gift from a "Secret Santa". Inside was a Laser Storm pack accompanied by what I believe is a vintage Laser Storm magnet. This pack is incredibly cool (and it's charging right now as I type this)...I can't wait to explore it further. Big thanks to the friends who made this possible.
The headset is probably the most distinctive feature of this pack with the unusual phaser design being a close second. Part of my Pittsburgh trip included playing at two Laser Storm centers and that really opened my eyes to a greater appreciation for this system and how it is played.
If you saw my post from IAAPA you will know that Laser Storm has an interesting history, faced some challenges and changed hands before ending up with the new and current owners who are working to give it new life again. There is a new pack design being introduced to the market with shoulder sensors in place of the headset. However, I think there is a real appeal to remembering where it all started and so it's very special to receive this gift with the headset and it will be displayed in a place of honor among some of my coolest tag souvenirs.
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