A Completely Unique Arena
One of the most interesting arenas I have ever seen can be found at Extreme Air Trampoline Park (Boardman) in Youngstown, OH. This place doesn’t have a glossy theme on the arena walls like many of the places I’ve been to. Actually, most of it is bare wood and metal grate fencing and that’s ok because it reflects a lot of creativity in other ways. If you look back at where I’ve played over the last few days you’ll notice that most of the arenas (other than the LQ’s) are unrelated to each other and yet all have a very similar aesthetic. This one stands out to me specifically because it is NOT a CW design and that makes it unique and all the more special.

However, that alone is not what makes it interesting. There are more levels and staircases in this arena than any other I can recall! Look at this creation…

I don’t know how to describe this arena, so I hope the pictures give you an idea. I couldn’t really even count how many levels there were because of the way that everything is built upon itself. There are metal grates in parts of the floor…

As you can see there are also lots of ramps…AND lots of stairs!

I’ve never been a big fan of stairs in arenas. I’ve also never seen quite so many staircases in one arena. But I will say I noticed myself moving slower when going up or down one of these staircases, so maybe that’s a beneficial effect.
This site uses Delta Strike equipment and I went in to play a game with a family group. They were enthusiastic and fun. We all had a great time!

Although laser tag is not the primary attraction at this site (as you can probably tell from the name) I think Extreme Air is really distinctive because of this arena and it is certainly one that I’ll remember. I enjoyed this stop and am glad I went a bit out of my way to experience.

Comments or Questions?
Contact: Tivia@tiviachickloveslasertag.com
Websites: www.tiviachickloveslasertag.com and www.photonforever.com