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Indiana and Beyond: Battle For The Fort and So Much More

This is going to be the quick overview of an amazing weekend I spent in Indiana and Michigan anchored around competing at the Battle For The Fort tournament at Ultrazone of Fort Wayne, IN. I will write individual posts in greater detail about all the places I visited and the experiences I had as soon as I have a chance to sit down and process what took place, but for now let me give you an idea of how it all went.

I woke up at 3:00 am on Friday morning in New York and rushed out the door to drive an hour to the airport. A quick change in flight plans routed me through Chicago and got me into Indianapolis early in the day, so I went off and played four arenas in Indianapolis area and had a couple hours of tag chat with Erik before continuing on two and a half hours north to Fort Wayne to play my fifth arena of the night, Ultrazone Fort Wayne, where the BFTF tournament was starting night one and playing overnight from 1:00-5:00 am. It was a wonderful night of Zone competition and I had a blast, but it was 6:00 am before I was actually settled in my hotel and going to bed…for those counting that was a solid 27 hours of travel, tag and simply being awake for it all, so even though it was worth every moment, I was really ready to rest. However, my internal clock woke me up at 10:00 that morning, so I really only got four hours of sleep.

Since I was up and ready to go again, I decided to make the most of it and drive up into southwest Michigan. Four more arenas played (and one left unplayed for reasons I’ll explain later) and I was on my way back to Fort Wayne for a late dinner with Amber (aka RivalBlue) before starting night two of the tournament at 1:00 am. By 6:00 am we had completed another intense night of tag, which I will break down in more detail because there were some VERY interesting things about this event (semi-finals…WOW!), but right now I’ll just say this…(spoiler alert)…our team had a great night and we took first place in the team comp main event! I am so glad I was part of this team, not because of the outcome, but because the guys I played with (BoB, Leggs, Phoenix and C.K.) were all incredibly cool and welcoming and I got a lot out of playing with this group. Thanks guys! And thanks also to Luke (Skywalker) for organizing an awesome event.

After that I left straight for the airport and made my way back to New York…day one 27 hours, day two 28 hours separated by only four hours of sleep…whew! Even my rental car was telling me to take a break at this point…yes, this actually popped up on the dashboard!

I can’t wait to share all the weekend adventures more thoroughly, but since so much happened over the course of 48 hours I want to do it all justice and it will take me a little time to get it all posted. So until then, just know that my trip to Indiana and beyond was absolutely amazing and I’m really glad I went.

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