Off to Andretti’s
My next stop was Andretti’s Indoor Karting and Games in Marietta, GA.
Although it was a little chaotic getting into the game, once there the experience was great! I was directed to the laser tag area where I had to take a place in line, so let me say the fact that there was a nice long line for laser tag bodes incredibly well for the popularity of this attraction. I was glad to see it! However, there was a long enough wait that not everyone was entirely patient. A couple of guys who didn’t feel like standing in the line waiting like the rest of us left, but a bit later they felt entitled to cut back into line in front of those of us who were patiently waiting once the game was called. This was a little inconsiderate, but no worries…keep reading and wait for it.
On to the game experience. Once inside the briefing room I immediately took note of a cool prop featuring three monitors.
We put on our Delta Strike Evolution packs prior to the briefing. Then the monitors came alive with a vibrant space-scene video segueing into a character actor presenting a custom video briefing specific to Andretti’s. If the ILTA were still around and giving briefing video awards I would think this one would be a winner!
The actor in the video played his part perfectly to set the scene and gave an overview during which he referenced the “imposters among us” and at that point the packs randomized placing us on two teams, not necessarily based on the color we initially chose. LOVE THIS! It made a better team balance and was a cool way to mix things up. As a bonus, once the packs had randomized the teams I happened to be on the opposite team as those guys who cut the line. Karma had just given me two “extra special” targets to tag down once the game was underway. Call that justice, Tivia style. :)
A garage door style entrance was raised and we entered a nice, two-story arena with a fairly basic CW theme, but a really nicely designed maze space on both levels.
This game had a good flow and it appeared that everyone was using the totality of the space. It was clear that not everyone fully understood the energy depletion component of this game, but spirits were good and you could tell the vibe among this crew was positive. I could also tell those two guys never saw me coming. ;)
In the end I doubt anyone expected me to have the pack called Hulk, but I was happy to own it with best player honors that game.
So, all in all, this game was fully worth the time spent in line and I hope the laser tag continues to hold that much appeal at Andretti’s. The facility was packed and customers have plenty of activities to choose from there, so to see so many people excited to play laser tag was really wonderful to see.
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