Summer Is Here...
And that means that weekend laser tag around here is drying up like a desert. Sheesh! I went out on Friday to the Zone arena...nobody. So I just said I'd be back tomorrow and headed off to the Force arena...nobody. Sigh. Although I did smile and think it was worth the trip just to see that they FINALLY updated the top ten player list (it has not been updated since at least November and that's the point where I actually took notice, so it may have been a lot longer than that for all I know).
So I went home and figured I'd try again on Saturday. Went back the next day and met up with Razz and Ace in the parking lot, so I figured we were off to a better start...until we got inside and realized we were the only ones! We did play a couple of rounds. Solo play with those two is still decent practice, but they left shortly thereafter so I hung around for a little while, but nobody else showed. Sigh. Messaged Beanz to see if anyone was at the Force center. He told me there were 15 players plus a private group of about 30...perfect! I said I'd be right on over. No sooner did I get there then the group of players decided they were going to call it a night and the private group had just ordered food, so who knows when they'd want to go back in. Well, this was just not my night. So I decided that laser tag was just not meant to be. Between festivals, graduation parties and just really nice summer weather I can tell this is the start of a quiet summer and I may have to be creative in how and when I coordinate some worthwhile laser tag in the next couple of months. No worries...I've already got a plan. :)
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