The Most Unusual Arena I Have Ever Seen
I paid a visit to Oasis Fun Center in Shasta Lake, CA and was expecting a pretty typical game of Hyper Blast.

However, what I was not expecting was such an unusual arena! This arena was essentially nothing but ramps. No open space and no maze to speak of. Just lots of ramps. I’ll draw a picture from memory as best I can since the photos do not really do it justice.

If you look carefully you can see the outlines of the ramp area the inclines upward.

This was really interesting to me. When I mentioned to the game master that I thought this was the most unusual arena I had ever seen he said “Really? How so?” like perhaps this was the only arena he had ever been in and didn’t know what was more typical elsewhere. And although this was not exactly unusual I did take note that shooting the bases felt different from the angle of the ramp.

Laser tag is one of the attractions at this fun center which had a lot more to offer as well.

But to me this place will always be most remembered for the interesting arena design.

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