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The Storm Factor

I suppose once a laser tag site has a name that has already been branded around the name of their equipment then there are some good arguments for keeping it, even if you change the system in use. I can think of a few examples where this idea holds true. Nonetheless, it always makes me wonder a bit when I run across a location that was very clearly once a Laser Storm site, is no longer, and yet keeps on using the Laser Storm name and image. I paid a visit to Laser Storm at Gable House Bowl in Torrance, CA and I speculate it probably wasn’t so much a decision as a shrug. I know some people think “laser tag is laser tag”, but I always hope I am going to actually stumble upon more Laser Storm out in the wild. However, this time I ended up playing some 1v1 Lasertron with a staff member instead.

The briefing area was pitch black darkness as I stood there alone watching the briefing video. Then it remained pitch black as I headed to the vesting area. It was actually a little eerie. Lighting makes a big difference, not only to the aesthetic of an arena, but also to keeping people from taking a tumble in the dark!

One we got into the arena it was the typical Tron design for that system.

It was actually sized perfectly for a 1v1 game. The staff member I played against asked me if I had ever played here before. I said no (as it’s true, I have not played HERE, but I did not elaborate) and when the game was over she looked dazed and asked “are you SURE you’ve never played here before?” at which point I told her a bit more about my blog and background. :)

One game was plenty to get the feel of this arena, but that was not the most interesting part of the visit. As I was leaving a display shelf in the lobby caught my eye and I took a closer look.

I smiled at the Laser Storm (and other random items) that were theoretically “for sale” to improve your game!

However, when you look to get a magical advantage there is always a catch and you had better read the fine print!

Although I could tell the staff did not appreciate what was in this case, I certainly got a giggle. When I got back to my car I shared these pics with Gord Armstrong (the current head of Laser Storm) and he immediately knew which location I was visiting!

If ever you pass by and want to play some Tron they have you covered. Just don’t let the name or the sign fool you.

And don’t forget to take your Hyper Phaser and magical powder, lol!

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