Zappin’ and Driving on My Way to ‘Geddon
This dad joke may be more corny than funny, but it’s relevant!
Q: What’s the only thing that could keep Tivia from flying to Armageddon?
A: A Delta Strike! (Insert groan for that) Just kidding, I fly American, lol.
But seriously, the uncertainty of my being able to fly led me to make this one a road trip, so I started out my journey playing at six laser tag arenas on Thursday before I even got to the four day Armageddon 2022 tournament, which would involve playing seven different laser tag systems in multiple arenas across Michigan and I Ohio. I’m going to share all my stories from the tournament and my side adventures, but a few may be shared out of sequence as I try to hit you with the highlights of an amazing tag trip. Let me begin with how I was zappin’ at three different Zap Zones once I crossed into Michigan.
My first stop was Zap Zone Taylor.

It was early in the day (I arrived just as they were opening the doors), so I was happy to get a game in right at the start. Staff member, Megan, led me to the vesting room to put on a CyberBlast pack and then a “garage door” style entrance revealed a bright, neon two level arena, consistent with what I love about Zap Zone.

I love arenas that are built this way! Real structure makes a difference in the way a maze plays and I love the vivid pops of color everywhere.

The bases here were notable because of the monitors triangulating them from above.

These monitors would clearly identify when the base was under attack or had been destroyed.

Nice touch! The other thing I loved here may be more of an inside joke with a few of my friends, but I really loved seeing this character who I call “Synerguy”.

If you get it, you get it.
My next Zap Zone visit was to Waterford Township where they were running Zeta Blast with triangle bases that match the packs.

Take note of the custom carpet, because little details can make a BIG impression!

This arena was another impressive one! A great arena with lots of reflective surfaces, again built the way they should be.

All the locations I went to proudly displayed their Zap Zone Guinness Book of World Records achievements.

I purchased some tag swag before I left this enjoyable stop.

Then I met up with my teammates, Scuba Steve and Ski Patrol Dave, to pay a visit to Zap Zone Sterling Heights.

Playing with the classic Blast equipment gave us a bit of practice together before the tournament and a chance to explore another awesome neon maze playing against a few experienced players, which made it a lot of fun!

So, three Zap Zone visits in one day (coupled with all my other arena visits along the route) was a great way for us all to start this trip!

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