Happy New Year!
I was definitely ready to laser tag my way into 2018, but I didn't decide on going to the New Year's Eve party in Syracuse until pretty much the last minute. After tagging in Albany on Friday night I really expected I'd end up out east playing my New Year's in Queensbury just to mix it up a bit. However, I changed my mind and am glad I went to the Force center instead because it turned out to be a really fun night, straight from the first Rickroll. :)
The members all played together in one of three rotating groups. This meant basically a second night of playing all special format games including some Gladiator and Photon (which made it worth it right there), but in between rounds they had some fun party activities including an air hockey tournament (I only made it past the first bracket, but held my own considering), some Bingo, pizza and plenty of door prize drawings. I was ready to slay in the guitar hero tournament, but unfortunately they were down a controller so it didn't happen (which means nobody can prove how early I probably would have been eliminated, lol). So instead I got my musical fix by programming some REAL party music on the "jukebox". As an actual DJ I felt obligated to "correct the earlier musical atrocities" with a little 80s tribute. ;) That preceded the dance contest which I didn't actually get to see because I opted instead to play the last members game of the night.
Don't ask me why, but for some reason I felt I had to end the year with a bit of my own antics (seems appropriate considering...) so for the last game before midnight I made a beeline for "Cody's pack" instead of letting him swoop it up as usual. I was totally obnoxious about playing with the X-Ray pack and loudly commenting that all the skill and magic was in that "lucky pack". Fortunately I had a decent game to back that up!

And I ended by announcing to the room that this was my favorite pack that I'd used regularly (um...since Thursday) and it would now be my permanent pack. Lol...I couldn't care less about the pack, but I don't think poor Cody expected that from me and it shook things up a bit for that game...just chill, it's all in good fun. ;)
And then (after NOT winning the X-Box) we were right up against midnight, but I decided it was better to get back on the roads early and avoid the crazy NYE drivers rather than watch the ball drop. So I said my goodbyes and headed home contemplating what an awesome year of tag I had in 2017 and how fitting it was to close the year out like this.
When I think about the past year it makes me think about my top 10 tag memories of 2017...
1. Playing tag with members of the Alaska National Guard in Wasilla, AK and being featured in an Alaska newspaper - http://www.frontiersman.com/news/laser-tagging-america/article_f3d2fa38-abcb-11e7-9454-9fdf79d0ece0.html

2. Talking tag on the Bob and Sheri Oddcast - https://omny.fm/shows/the-oddcast/oddcast-life-as-a-laser-tag-competitor

3. Being invited to tour the iCOMBAT headquarters in Waukesha, WI

4. Interviewing laser tag Industry Innovator Martin Shoebridge after he contacted me through my blog

5. Taking first place at the Jungle Rapids tournament in Wilmington, NC

6. Deciding on the spur of the moment (aka in the middle of my work day) to hop on a plane with nothing more than the clothes I had in my car to play in a tournament in Utah

7. Playing at my 100th laser tag arena in Idaho

8. Playing at Baltigeddon with Team Syracuse-ish

9. Playing in my first CyberBlast tournament in Ohio

10. Playing several rare systems including Actual Reality and Intersphere

So thanks to all who tagged in the new year with me last night and to all who were part of making those awesome memories in 2017. I already have big plans for tagging my way across the rest of the country in 2018 so I'm looking forward to all that this coming year will bring. Happy New Year!
Comments or Questions?
Contact: tivia@tiviachickloveslasertag.com
Websites: www.tiviachickloveslasertag.com and www.photonforever.com